Wynne Neilly – Portfolio 01

  • Wynne Neilly
  • 12 archival inkjet prints
  • Edition of 50
  • 10" x 8" (print size), 11" x 8.5" x 1.5" (print box size)
  • 2022


Wynne Neilly engages photography as a way to investigate his personal experience as a queer and trans identified individual and connect with the experience of the queer and trans community at large. As he shares, his work “aims to open up a conversation around how we read and interpret intimacy between queer and trans bodies – both in the subject matter itself and from the perspective of [his] gaze as image maker.”

Having developed a recognized practice in portraiture, Neilly’s Portfolio 01 presents a new body of photographic prints that evidence his parallel interest in exploring natural and manmade environments.

“My ongoing focus on presenting dualities through photography draws my eye towards spaces that are transitory or that risk being overlooked on the route between Points A and B. This act of giving attention assigns value to the marginal, whether the subject is a location or an individual…Intimacy, closeness, and vulnerability are the main foundations of my art practice. The selection of 12 photographs in this portfolio depict a personal history; a record of how I see the world and my place within it.”

-Wynne Neilly