Dianne Bos

Dianne Bos - Chene sur une feuille, 2024

Canadian photographer, Dianne Bos, investigates light, nature and perception using a wide range of distinctive photographic processes and tools. Her focused interest in analog techniques has integrated exploration with pinhole photography, vintage cameras, cyanotype, photograms, and most recently, chlorophyll printing.

Bos’ internationally developed and distinguished career has seen her photography and installation work presented in solo and group exhibitions across Canada and internationally in the United States and Europe. Her work may be found in private, corporate and museum collections including the Art Gallery of Hamilton, ON; the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, AB; the Walter Phillips Gallery at the Banff Centre, AB; the National Gallery of Canada, ON; and Canadian embassies in Paris and Belgium. In addition to her artistic practice in the visual arts, Bos’ professional interests have extended into the fields of music, publishing and teaching. Bos is currently based in Ontario.