
Founded by current members Claudia B. Manley and Liss Platt, Shake-n-Make is a queer art collective based in Hamilton, ON. Shake-n-Make’s work directly references the 1970s while elevating craft and subject matter beyond kitsch to speak to our current moment in history. As they further describe their focused area of investigate interest:
“1970s crafts were all about making something homey and comforting out of cheap and readily available materials. In a sense, it was an attempt to escape the turmoil of the time (recession, oil crisis, terrorism) by crafting back to a nostalgic version of the 1950s (a seemingly more prosperous and peaceful time). Our current era bears more than a passing resemblance to the 70s. The recession, the oil crisis, and terrorism dominate our news. Environmentalism is again a driving concern. Crafting has become chic. Shake-n-Make endeavours to manifest these connections in its work.”
Shake-n-Make have exhibited their multi-disciplinary work in multiple venues across Hamilton and wider-spread across the province of Ontario. Presentations have included Once More, With Feeling (2019) at the University of Waterloo Art Gallery, site-specific installation The Hand of Craft (2017) at The Cotton Factory, and photographic billboard Domestic Brew: Craft and Beer Garden (2017) with Hamilton Artists Inc. artist-run-centre.
Shake-n-Make – Guerrilla Fist (Read My Fist series)
- silkscreen on Arches BFK
- Edition of 7
- 22.25" x 17.5"
- 2022
Shake-n-Make – Miami Fist (Read My Fist series)
- silkscreen on Arches BFK
- Edition of 7
- 22.25" x 17.5"
- 2022